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Speed post

Speed Post Charges

Local speed post at Rs. 15
One India One Rate speed post at Rs. 35

Speed Post Rates (Effective 1st Oct 2013)

Weight Local Upto 200 Kms. 201 to 1000 Kms. 1001 to 2000 Kms. Above 2000 Kms.
Upto 50 grams INR 15 INR 35 INR 35 INR 35 INR 35
51 grams to 200 grams INR 25 INR 35 INR 40 INR 60 INR 70
201 grams to 500 grams INR 30 INR 50 INR 60 INR 80 INR 90
Additional 500 grams or part thereof INR 10 INR 15 INR 30 INR 40 INR 50

About Zeenat Ansari


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